Letter of Support – Robert Jackson: Casa Grande’s local election is coming July 30. Due to term limits there is no incumbent running for mayor. Donna McBride has served eight years on the City Council and has demonstrated her ability to listen to all sides and ask questions of constituents, staff and experts when she needs more information. This is an important characteristic for all leaders, especially the mayor. "Casa Grande is at a critical time in our evolution and strong, steady leadership is essential..." Donna has shown her commitment to the local community as a councilperson. For example she was one of the early voices in creating our local Youth Commission to help us develop future leaders. Casa Grande was one of the first Arizona cities to create a Youth Commission and ours continues to be a statewide leader. She has led local and national nonprofits and numerous community initiatives. She understands the issues facing our city and will actively search for best alternatives that make sense for Casa Grande.
Casa Grande is at a critical time in our evolution and strong, steady leadership is essential if we are to continue being a desirable location for new and expanding businesses and industries. Donna has the ability and is committed to successfully leading our community. Please join me in voting for Donna to be the next mayor for Casa Grande, to assure our city continues to prosper. Robert Jackson Former Mayor of Casa Grande & Co-chair of the Donna McBride for Mayor Committee. ## This letter was also subitted as a letter to the editor of the Casa Grande Dispatch, which can be read here: McBride A Good Choice for Mayor. Comments are closed.
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