McBride Walks Her Talk6/21/2024 Letter of Support Joe & Debbie Yost: As local real estate brokers for over 40 years, we support balanced growth focused upon quality of life, great schools, local businesses and a well-maintained community. We support Donna McBride for mayor and below list two specific examples of her leadership. We’ve been plagued by vandalism and homeless camps in the alley behind our business on Cottonwood Lane, our location since 1995. Last year the situation became intolerable as two rival homeless camps expanded in the alley. They created a fire hazard by using charcoal grills in an alley filled with dead weeds and debris. They tapped into our electric service to steal electricity. A person regularly bathed herself in the parking lot using our exterior hose bib. Our requests for assistance were futile as we were told the alley is a public space. "Donna McBride walks her talk and does her homework." Frustrated, I emailed city councilmembers. Donna McBride responded, explaining that she had coordinated an effort of multiple city departments. CGPD and social services worked together to offer available resources. Public works cleared enormous trash piles and overgrown landscaping in the alley.
The challenge that was considered unsolvable was resolved in less than one week because Donna McBride coordinated available resources. She didn’t talk about it publicly; she led and inspired people to work together. Donna also does her homework. Recently city staff created a council update focusing on housing types, affordability, short-term rentals and accessory dwellings (a second home on a single lot.) Donna met with the staff at our brokerage to learn from those on the ground. She asked about obstacles to affordable homeownership. As a result, I fully expect to see Donna’s influence re teaching financial literacy and how a low credit score negatively impacts all areas of life in our local schools in the future. Donna McBride walks her talk and does her homework. - Joe & Debbie Yost Casa Grande Residents ## This letter was also subitted as a letter to the editor of the Casa Grande Dispatch, which can be read here: McBride Does Her Home Work. Comments are closed.
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